In C Language, keywords are reserved words that have predefined meanings and are part of the language syntax.
These keywords cannot be used as identifiers (variable names, function names, etc.) because they have special meanings within the language.
Here is a list of keywords in C Language:
Auto: Specifies automatic storage class for variables declared within a block.
Break: Terminates the current loop or switch statement.
Case: Specifies a branch in a switch statement.
Char: Declares a character data type.
Const: Declares a variable as constant, its value cannot be modified.
Continue: Skips the current iteration of a loop and continues with the next iteration.
Default: Specifies the default branch in a switch statement.
Do: Initiates a do-while loop.
Double: Declares a double-precision floating-point data type.
Else: Specifies an alternative branch in an if statement.
Enum: Declares an enumeration type.
Extern: Declares a variable or function as external to the current file.
Float: Declares a single-precision floating-point data type.
For: Initiates a for loop.
Goto: Transfers control to a labeled statement.
If: Specifies a conditional statement.
Int: Declares an integer data type.
Long: Declares a long integer data type.
Register: Specifies register storage class for variables.
Return: Exits a function and returns a value.
Short: Declares a short integer data type.
Signed: Declares a signed data type.
Sizeof: Returns the size of a data type or variable.
Static: Specifies static storage class for variables.
Struct: Declares a structure type.
Switch: Initiates a switch statement.
Typedef: Creates a new data type alias using an existing data type.
Union: Declares a union type.
Unsigned: Declares an unsigned data type.
Void: Specifies the absence of a data type.
Volatile: Specifies that a variable may be modified externally.
While: Initiates a while loop.
These keywords form the foundation of the C language and are used to define the structure and behavior of programs written in C.
It's important to avoid using these keywords as identifiers to prevent conflicts and ensure proper functioning of the code.