Naming conventions in Java are guidelines or rules for naming identifiers such as variables, methods, classes, packages, constants, etc., in Java programs.
Following naming conventions improves code readability, maintainability, and consistency across projects.
Here are the commonly accepted naming conventions in Java:
Class names should be nouns and written in camel case (the first letter of each word capitalized).
Example: YourClass, AuthService, EmployeeService, FilterService
Interface names should be nouns and typically written in camel case.
Interface names should be descriptive and indicate the behaviour or purpose of the interface.
Example: Points, Serializable, Comparable, ImageProps.
Method names should be verbs or verb phrases and written in camel case.
Method names should be descriptive and indicate the action performed by the method.
Example: calculateGrandTotal, getUserInfo, greetMsg.
Variable names should be meaningful and written in camel case.
Variable names should start with a lowercase letter.
Example: cartAmount, productName, totalAmount, studentId.
Constant names should be written in uppercase letters, with words separated by underscores "_".
Constants are typically declared using the final keyword and should represent fixed values that do not change during program execution.
Package names should be in lowercase letters.
Package names should be unique and follow a reverse domain name convention to prevent naming conflicts.
Example: "com.example.project", "".
Boolean variable names should be prefixed with "is", "has", "can", or similar prefixes to indicate that they represent boolean values.
Example: isEnabled, hasPermission, canEdit.
Enum names should be nouns and follow the same naming conventions as class names.
Enum constants should be written in uppercase letters, with words separated by underscores "_".
By adhering to these naming conventions, we can make our Java code more readable and understandable for yourself and other developers who may work on the codebase in the future.
Consistency is key, so it's important to apply these conventions consistently throughout your codebase.