In SQL, The CREATE TABLE statement is used to define and create a new table. This statement defines the table structure, table name, column names, data types and any constraints.
CREATE TABLE tableName ( column1 datatype, column2 datatype, PRIMARY KEY (one_or_more_columns) );
tableName: This is the name of the table you want to create.
column1, column2: These are the names of the columns in the table.
datatype: Specifies the data type of each column.
PRIMARY KEY: Specifies the primary key for the table, which is a unique identifier for each row. It can consist of one or more columns.
CREATE TABLE products ( product_code INT PRIMARY KEY, product_name VARCHAR(50), product_price VARCHAR(50), product_upload_date DATE, FOREIGN KEY (catalog_id) REFERENCES catalogs(catalog_id) );
The table named is "products".
It has columns: "product_code", "product_name", "product_price", and "product_upload_date".
The data types are specified for each column (INT for integers, VARCHAR(50) for variable-length character strings, and DATE for dates).
The PRIMARY KEY constraint is set on the "product_code" column.
The FOREIGN KEY constraint is set on the related tables, we can add foreign keys to maintain referential integrity.
If we have related tables, we can add foreign keys to maintain referential integrity. For example, suppose we have a `catalog` table.
CREATE TABLE catalog ( catalog_id INT PRIMARY KEY, catalog_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, catalog_description VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, );
The table named is "catalog".
It has columns: "catalog_id", "catalog_name", and "catalog_description".
It has PRIMARY KEY constraint set on the "catalog_id" column and `catalog_id` is foreign key in `products` table.
Define the Table Name: Choose a meaningful name for the table.
Specifying Columns and their Types: Define each column's name, data type, and constraints for column.
Adding Constraints: Use constraints to enforce data integrity (e.g., primary keys, foreign keys, unique constraints).
Considering Relationships: Use foreign keys to link related tables or its data dependent on other tables as well.