Angular data binding is a powerful feature that allows us to establish a connection between the components of our application and the DOM (Document Object Model).
It enables us to synchronize data between our TypeScript code (component class properties) and our HTML templates, ensuring that any changes to one are reflected in the other automatically.
Reduces boilerplate code and simplifies development.
Keeps the UI in sync with the application state.
Improves code readability and maintainability.
Decoupling the presentation logic (HTML template) from the business logic (component class).
Create dynamic and interactive user interfaces that respond to changes in the underlying data model. This enables features such as real-time updates, live previews, and form validation without requiring manual intervention.
Interpolation Binding
Property Binding
Event Binding
Two-Way Data Binding
Interpolation allows us to output a value within the HTML template.
It's denoted by double curly braces "{{ }}", and the expression inside the braces is evaluated and replaced with its value.
<p>Welcome, {{ employeeName }}</p>
the value of the "employeeName" property in the component class will be displayed in the paragraph element.
Property binding allows us to set an element property to a value from the component class.
It's denoted by square brackets "[]".
<a [href]="linkUrl"> Anchor Tag </a>
the "href" attribute of the "a" element is bound to the "linkUrl" property in the component class.
Event binding allows us to listen for and respond to events triggered by user interaction.
It's denoted by parentheses "()".
<button (click)="onClick()">Click me</button>
the "onClick()" method in the component class will be called when the button is "clicked".
Two-way data binding allows you to establish a synchronization between a property in the component class and an input field in the template.
It's achieved using the "ngModel" directive, which requires importing "FormsModule" in the Angular module.
<input [(ngModel)]="employeeName">
changes made to the input field will update the "employeeName" property in the component class, and vice versa.
Template variables (#var) allow us to create references to HTML elements or Angular directives within the template. They can be used to access DOM elements, invoke methods on child components, or pass data between elements.
Pipes are used in data binding expressions to transform and format data before displaying it in the view. They provide a convenient way to manipulate data without modifying the underlying data model.
Overusing two-way data binding can make it difficult to track data flow.
Ensure to handle data binding efficiently for better performance.